Character Sheet Guide
Hello, welcome to the Character Sheet Guide! Now that you've decided your character's race, class, background, and ability scores, let's use them to fill out a character sheet! → Click here to download a free character sheet ←
Let's fill in some basic character information!
This section (at the top of your character sheet) is where, you'll list your character's name, class, race,
background, alignment, level, and experience. You can write your name here, too!
Now, let's add some flavour.
You can use this section (right column, middle row of your character sheet) to fill out your character's
personality traits, quirks, and goals.
Features & Proficiencies
Here, we'll list your character's unique features.
Have any trained specialties?
FEATURES & TRAITS" (right column, middle row of your character sheet) is where you'll write any added
features from your race, class, and background.
"OTHER PROFICIENCIES & LANGUAGES" (left column, bottom row of you character sheet) is where you'll record any
weapon, armour, or other kind of proficiencies your character has, as well as any languages your character can speak.
Ability Scores
We'll need somewhere to keep track of those important ability scores.
This section (in the left column of your character sheet) is what you'll use to keep track of you character's
ability scores and ability modifiers.
- There are 6 boxes for strength, dexterity, constitution, intelligence, wisdom, and charisma.
- In the larger region above the score title, write your character's score.
- In the smaller region right above, write the score's modifier.
Skills are tricky. Here's how we'll keep track of them.
This section (next to the ability scores column in the left of your character sheet) is how you'll track you character's
- Skills are grouped in this area by the ability scores they're based on.
- If your character is proficient in a skill, check the small circle next to it.
- If the 'modifier' of the ability score a skill is based on is greater than 0, write the modifier's value on the line next to that skill.
How much damage can you take?
This section (upper middle of your character sheet) is where we'll keep track of your character's combat defenses.
Let's get to know those attacks.
"ATTACKS & SPELLCASTING" (lower middle section of your character sheet) is where you'll record any common attacks
and/or spells your character uses.
Does your character use one or more weapons to attack in one or more ways? You can list them here for reference.
Does your character use spells with descriptions you can't remember? You'll be able to record what you need in theline space provided.
Stuff. Things.
"EQUIPMENT & CHARACTER NOTES" (bottom right section of your character sheet) is where you can list of any of your
character's important belongings.
- List your weapons here!
- List your armor or clothing too!
- Magic items? Record them here if you want!
- Family heirlooms? Quest items? Throw 'em in if you'd like!
- Does your character play an instrument? Do they use any tools a lot? Did they steal a partifularly nicespoon from a local tavern and want to remember that? Why not list them here!